Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Black and White It is!

So, I decided to take some photos of black-and-white objects around the house rather than take black-and-white photos... Here you go!

Firstly, fresh white milk in a bottle with black writing:

So, then I bent down (not too far, don't worry) to take a photo of the black window in our white microwave and, lo and behold, I saw the reflection of the kitchen in it! It does detract a bit from the black-and-whiteness of the photo, but I liked the result:

A remote with black buttons and white letters...

...and a remote with white buttons and black letters!


  1. Great photos Mumma!

    I especially love the microwave one, I confess when it took me a while to figure out how it was the microwave, as it didn't look like it. I couldn't believe how clear the reflection of the kitchen is!!

    Good job - I am still trying to figure out what to take pictures of! LOL

    Love you,

  2. I know! It was just black and white when I looked at it from standing up and when I bent over to take the photo, I was shocked at the whole scene before me! LOL.
