Monday, May 28, 2012

Week #21 & #22

I know I missed posting week #21 and I don't know if you still want to do it.  But I will post both last week and this week's photo.  Just in case you feel that you want to do both :)

Here are the challenges:

Week #21 - Anger

Week #22 - Temptation

Looking forward to your photos, thanks for sticking with me!

SO late....sorry :(

I know, I am so late in posting...seeing as it's just you and me, Mum, I'm sure you can forgive me :)

Anyway, here are my late "Up" pictures taken from Seattle!!

This was taken at the Seattle Aquarium, you had to look up to see these fish!

The Seattle Space Needle...we went up to the top!

Again, sorry so late...

Sunday, May 20, 2012


So this week I opted for a few things that I have been wanting to photograph and, as they can fit in here, I'll use them!

Looking up at the window in the Picture Butte grain elevator

Our new downtown street signs...for the love.

Soo...I now work (see the fire engine?) on the corner of Wood Street and Dufferin Street - who would have known?

I always see these on my way to and from work, so have wanted to photograph them...hawks, maybe?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Week #20 - Up

This week's photo challenge is:  Up

Looking forward to seeing your photos!!

First time on a treadmill

I know I'm late in posting...but up until today, I didn't have my photos...

Erilyn claims she has never been on a treadmill before, so she decided to try it!!

Starting off slowly

Smiling for Aunty!!

A little faster...

Maybe she can go a little faster....

Going into a running pace....

Oops, forgot to tell her to make sure her feet are always moving!!!  


Sunday, May 13, 2012


I wanted to get some car photos at night but wasn't able to, so I used water and wind to show motion instead.  Sorry if you have seen similar photos in the past :-(  These are new, I promise.

Here I used a fast speed to stop the motion

And with this one, I used a slower speed to show motion

Again, a slower speed to show the motion of the wind chimes

And also to show the motion of the seagull's oars

Monday, May 7, 2012

Week 19

Okay, let's get some motion going here...or stopping here :-)   Let's shoot 'motion' - you can either freeze it or show it, whichever you would like...think that will work?  I'm hoping that we both won't wait until Sunday afternoon this time - LOL.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Trees from the road

I confess, I hadn't taken any pictures until today.... these were taken from my cell phone from the car 

The weather outside was so nice today...starting to feel like summer!!


Our fruit trees are all starting to blossom.  Here are a few of our plum blossoms and the bottom one is the Nanking cherry blossom:

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Week #18 - Trees

I guess we both didn't do last week's challenge, so let's see if we can do this week's!!!

LOL  :)

This week's photo challenge is:  Trees

Looking forward to seeing your photos!