Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pediophobia - Fear of dolls (This one lurks in our shed *shudders*)

Ok, so this doll must have belonged to one of Jorge's cousins, I have seen her legs various times sticking out in all the junk that they have in the shed but always just turned and ran the other way when I saw them (no joke!). Taking a picture of one of my own phobias was probably not the greatest idea because now I will most likely have trouble sleeping tonight, lol. I put the knife in her hand for affect, nice hey? Can't you just hear her saying "Let's play with the knife!"

After taking these pics I realized I should have taken one without the knife in her hand... But by then there was NO WAY I was going to go and bring her out again...once was enough, thank you very much! Creepy dolls.


  1. MANDY!!

    I don't know what to say, except I hope you sleep at night! I guess the good thing is you might be able to sleep better knowing that she is just a doll...LOL!!

    Good job..

    Love you!

  2. OH MY GOODNESS, Mandy!!! As if you, the one who won't allow me to have dolls in my bedroom, have THIS in your shed!! With or without the knife, she looks psycho. Why on earth don't you throw it out - surely she is no longer loved...? You are so silly because you know this is going to bother you - it didn't have to be your own phobias, silly!! I will be praying that you can erase this from your mind! LOL!!!!

    Next time Marcos comes over, tell him that his daughter forgot something in the shed!!
