Friday, January 7, 2011

Week 1 : My NEW Items

Here is My Christmas Gift that I got from Aunty Kristy

Thanks Aunty I LOVE it !!


  1. Good job Adrie!!

    I'm so glad you like that Magna book, I was worried I didn't get the right one!! I can't wait to see what you can draw now...

    Love you,
    Aunty Kristy

  2. I love the perspective you used for this photo, Adrie! Instead of just shooting it straight on, you got down at a different angle. Well done!

  3. Great Pic Adrie!! As you know, I am ALL about drawing!! I just wish I had more time to actually do it :( Enjoy the time now while you have it, lol! Love you!

  4. Yah I LOVE the Book it covers all the basics and advanced stuff at the same time !
