Thursday, July 28, 2011

I LOVE Backlighting...

Backlighting is really one of my favorite photography techniques. Here are some from our back garden this evening:

A stunning example of what backlighting can achieve. These hollyhocks are almost black but come alive when backlit. That is when you see that they are actually a very dark shade of red!

This one is of a spider web on the well

I like this one because I tried to get the sun shining through the middle of the figurine

This one is my favorite, I think - the evening sun shining through the leaves.

Backlit Hollyhocks

1 comment:

  1. Great photos Mumma!!! I have been struggling with what to take pictures of this week, but then I saw something today, so I am going to post it now. Not as pretty as your pictures though :)

    Love you!
