Thursday, July 14, 2011

Comfort Foods...

Well, this was an easy challenge, but not so easy to photograph as Mandy borrowed my camera for the week... However, Dad's is still a Canon ;) so I am using that.

Here is my all-time favorite comfort food. I couldn't make it or I would have had to eat it, so here's the ingredients (plus I confess that I use a bit of margarine as well - *blushes*). If I am stressed, hide the peanut butter!!!!

Next is my comfort drink and, interestingly enough, I can only find it now at Save-On (yay!). In the evening, when I want to relax before bed, Horlicks is my drink of choice ("have you seen my childhood?").

And, last but not least, my while-I-am-at-the-checkout-counter-and-I-am-stressed food choice is:

...and, is empty. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. Great photos Mumma!! I have to agree with you...I love peanut butter too - LOL, see my pictures!!

    Thanks so much for doing the challenge with me!

    Love you!
