Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Wouldn't this be a wonderful thing to see every morning whilst sipping fresh coffee?

And - my in-laws have a neighbor who takes a most unusual approach to landscaping. This is just one part of it!


  1. These are great Buffy!! The first that where your in-laws live?? Do they wake up every morning and see that?? If so, they are so lucky, it is so beautiful!! Where is that taken??

    As far as the second two photos - so awesome!! It looks like the neighbors love antiques and it looks so awesome in their yard!! The old truck is awesome!!

    Good job Buffy!

  2. The view was taken in Fernie, BC. When we drove through I was looking for a park for the kids to take a break in and we came to a dead end, When I turned around - there it was! The photo does not do it enough justice!

  3. Except for (unless my eyes deceive me) the creepy skeleton behind the wheel.... I love the truck but would have issues with "him".
