Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Catching up...my pets :)

"The boys" Nike and Snoopy, chillin out in the sun. Why is Nike chained up, you might ask?? Keep scrolling down and you will see!!

Our little "Snoops", he is such a handsome little pup.

"Oh, NIKE, what did you do???" Looking guilty much?? Yes yes, he is paying the price for his bad behavior...check out the next picture...

Yep, it takes one BIG dog to knock out the bricks from a brand new brick wall! What a dumb ox.


  1. Cute photos Mandy!! You sure have cute dogs, makes me miss Hudson!

    LOL at Nike looking guilty!! Snoopy sure is cute too :)

    Love you Sister,

  2. Oh, my! How on earth (and why) did he knock the bricks out of the wall?

    I love the first one of Snoopy where he is laying on his tummy with his back legs out - LOL.
