I know this may seem like a weird photo for Easter, but there is a short story behind it :)
On Friday morning, Good Friday, I decided to go for a run before church. I put my ipod on shuffle and half way through my run, I really couldn't believe it....out of all the chapters of the Bible and out of all the songs that I have on my ipod this chapter came on.

I was going to type out the chapter for you, but it's 56 verses, and that's a little long to write on here, so let's just say, this is the chapter where Luke accounts Jesus's trial, death and burial.
All I can say, is only God could have put that chapter on my ipod at that time, and it was a great way to start Good Friday - a reminder of what Jesus did for me.
As our Pastor said at the service, (and it stuck with me all day)
"What happened to Jesus, should have happened to me?"
All I can say is "Thank you Jesus - I am forever grateful!"