Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Week #5 - Snow

Well sorry I am a couple days late in posting the challenge :(

Here is the photo challenge for the week: Snow

Good luck Mum!! LOL

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Last clean :)

As most of you know, for the last year I have been our church custodian. Well, after having the job for just over a year, I have decided to give it up! Working 40 hours a week at my other job and Bob and I trying to fit time in our schedules to clean the church was just getting too much for the two of us. (Bob helps me!) So, we gave our notice and we are done cleaning the end of this month. We did our last Saturday cleaning today and just have one more shift to go. Tomorrow will be our last day cleaning the church as custodians :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

BEHIND, My Week #2

Okay, I never got around to being able to set up a shoot for the backlighting but I DID keep my eye out for a natural example...didnt find anything super creative but here's one I took that week

Week #4 - Clean

Are you still with me??

This week's photo challenge is: Clean

Happy Photo Shooting!!

Not a lot of purple in my house....

...and due to the recent cold snap, I couldn't find purple outside either.

But I did find these two things.....

Grape Fanta
I bought this for youth group on Friday night....as you can see it must have been good as the kids drank most of it!

Then I remembered the gloves that I bought from Walmart the other day...there wasn't much colour choices, and seeing as I just wanted them to keep my hands warm while running, I decided not to be picky and picked the cheapest pair I could find!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week #3 - Colour - Purple

Well first I must say, good job Mum and Buffy for posting on last week's challenge!

If at anytime you have an idea for a week, let me know and you can post if you want. I want you all to be more involved this year ;)

Anyway, for now, the challenge for this week is a colour challenge, and the colour this week is:


I look forward to seeing your photos!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


I decided to set up a mini studio in my dining room for this one. I was attempting to bounce the light off the backdrop like a few tutorials I had seen online. Here is my best result! I posted a few others on my own blog as well.

Friday, January 13, 2012

I LOVE Backlighting...

...but my favorite is to catch the light through flower petals and, seeing as I am all out of flowers in my back yard (although it IS 5 degrees C and no snow to be seen), I will have to settle for inside things.

First, a plate of back-lit marbles and, secondly, a hand-blown glass coaster that I just love:

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Week 1

Yup. I did it. I took these last Friday, granted I didn't get them posted 'til today but...its a start :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Challenge #2: Still Life and Back Lighting

Kristy has decided to have some "guest challengers" this year and I was quite surprised this morning to be asked to be the first one! I have been thinking a lot about what I want to do with my photography this year and so I have done my research and come up with a challenge for this week that I hope will stretch our imaginations and technique a little!

The topic is Still Life and Back Lighting. Essentially it is taking a photograph of an object that has been back lit. Not only will this prove to be a challenge, but it means we don't have to leave our cozy homes and go out into the suddenly chilly weather! I've provide a couple reference links below to get us started. Good luck and I look forward to seeing this weeks creations!



My gateway to outside....

Here is my gateway to the outside!

The joys of living in a basement suite :)

(sorry not very creative this week!)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Gateway to...

...my second floor?

Gateway to freedom...

I thought I'd post a photo a Madison waiting at the gate for me... I love this gate as it is antique-looking and suits me ;) I had great plans for other photos but they never materialized. Good job there's always next week.

Monday, January 2, 2012


I resolve to be better to me. Healthier, happier and wiser!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

First one of the year!

Okay...off we go...into our 2012 photo challenge. My plan is to try and be more creative this year and push myself to get different angles, exposures, etc., rather than just take a quick photo of the topic. Let's streeeetch ourselves!

Today is the first of January, the gateway to a new year and entrance way to our future...get the gist? This week look for a different or creative gateway, doorway, or entrance way...to something!

My Resolutions for 2012

This is my first New Year's Resolution -

I want to take up running!

I hope one day to be able to run a race with my sister, Tanya one day this year :)

This is my second and like you Mum, I think I have the same one every year....
....to spend more time reading my Bible this year!

Always the same...

It seems that one of my resolutions is constant and has been for years. Maybe THIS will be the year that I shed the unwanted pounds ;) Otherwise, I want to work more on my Memories book and other projects that I've neglected for awhile...