Sunday, February 27, 2011

My sunday routine

Hi everyone - thanks for "having" me:-D

So, this is my first week and the topic couldn't have been more perfect. Whenever I'm home on sundays, I go and have a Starbucks coffee at Zurich Airport and simply LOVE the atmosphere. This is me today:

Have a great sunday "over there":-) Love

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Catching up

Okay I am Catching up on the last two Photos of the week

So here they are

My Yummy Breakfast

I LOVE my Sophia

Self Portrait

Okay here is my self portrait

My Hands

Okay here is my photo for illustrate a song

The song is called "My Hands" by Leona Lewis

Lyrics included on the you tube video ( no pics included on video)

Week #9: Self Portrait

Well first I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who participated this week!! I was so excited and everyone did such a great job. Yes, even Cass, but remember next week we want to see a photo you took ;-) Remember, even if you have your pictures done and a little late, we will still allow it - we don't want you to stop posting just because you are late, we want you to post cause we want to see pictures!!!

This week's photo challenge is: Self Portrait

Also, I wanted to announce that we have a new member joining us. My friend Sandrine from Switzerland, who has been stalking me and looking at our site, I encouraged her to join us, and she has decided to join us. So, welcome to Sandrine! ;-)

Looking forward to seeing everyone's pictures this week - happy shooting!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Coffee Song

Here you go...enjoy the classic song of Sinatra in the 40's - Mario, this is for you!


ok, so I just want you all to know that my post with a song IS coming...but stupid blogger won't let me upload my pictures on, so I will have to try again tomorrow :( But I DID do them and will hopefully be able to post them tomorrow.

Roly Poly

Just to put my arms around him takes about a week

But when I get my arms around we cuddle cheek to cheek

Got a Roly Poly Baby sweet as apple pie

He is just a Roly Poly

But so am I

They call him
Ya Ya Roly Poly
Ya Ya Roly Poly
Ya Ya Roly Poly
Ya Ya Roly Poly
Ya Ya Roly
Ya Ya Poly
Ya Ya Roly Poly

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Guy

My Guy - by Diana Ross

Nothing you can say can tear me away from my guy,
Nothing you can do, 'cause I'm stuck like glue to my guy,
I'm sticking to my guy like a stamp to a letter
Like birds of a feather, we stick together
I'm tellin' you from the start
I can't be torn apart from my guy

Nothing you could do could make me untrue to my guy
Nothing you could buy would make me tell a lie to my guy

I gave my guy my word of honor to be faithful, and I'm gonna
You best be believing I won't be deceiving my guy

As a matter of opinion I think he's top
My opinion is he's the cream of the crop
As a matter of taste, to be exact
He's my ideal, as a matter of fact

No muscle bound man could take my hand away from my guy
No handsome face could ever take the place of my guy
He may not be a movie star, but when it comes to bein' happy, we are

There's not a man who could take me away from my guy

I am so blessed to be married to the best husband in the world, Bob Barnes....I love you!!

As the Deer...

Ok, I know this is TOTALLY and 100% cheating, as this is not MY photo...but as this is my first time and in light of dreaming after spring to come, and being that it is already almost Thursday...I thought this was appropriate.
Plus, when I thought...Illustrate a song, this is what came to mind. So I just had to go with it! I promise I'll do better next week though :) Forgive me??

"As a deer longs for streams of water, so I long for You, God."
(Psalm 42:1)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Week #8: Illustrate a song

Well you asked for it and here it is.....

Week #8 photo challenge for the week is a harder one :)

The challenge is: Illustrate a song

Maybe we can get more people adding photos this week!!

Looking forward to seeing photos!

Administrator? Where are you?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Made with LOVE from the Schultz household

Tonight for supper, Wendy made a yummy Valentines Day meal

My place at the dinner table

Heart shaped cheese and tomato for our hamburgers

Look at the yummy hamburgers!!

Yummy pink Valentines Day cake

Thanks Wendy for spoiling us and making it a Valentines Day to remember!

Love at our house...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Week #7: Love

Thanks to Mum and Mandy for posting last is sort of seeming like we are the only 3! LOL

But that's ok, maybe the more people see our photos we can inspire them to get taking and posting!!

This week's photo challenge is the word: Love
(guess it kind of figures with Valentines Day coming up!)

Looking forward to seeing more people posting their pictures ;-)

Our breakfast for the day...

"Hmmm, what shall we have for breakfast today?"

I'll have some "pan" please

Baby Guy playing with his bread crumbs (as he was sick last night I didn't give him his usual cereal today) the great words of Jorge "let's get chubby"!

Siah enjoying his pan



Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Monday Breakfast

Monday is my fast day, and so I thought I would share with you my breakfast for that day!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Breakfast at Grammie's

Sorry, but these didn't come out as well as I had hoped they would. I was using my fixed 50mm lens and forgot how shallow a depth of field there is. Here's Bella and Kellen enjoying their Corn Pops and bacon...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Week #6: Breakfast

Well look at us we are on week 6 already!!

Thanks to everyone that posted for last week - good job on the photos! Although Mandy's was a little creepy it was still fun and it always excites me to see when someone has posted.

This week's photo challenge is the word: Breakfast

Looking forward to seeing the photos this week :-)

Friday, February 4, 2011


I waited too long to get started on this and only got one shot. Is there a "fear of getting things started"?

Myrmecophobia- Fear of ants!

It's hard to tell, but that is a giant stuffed ant!

Phobias that other people have ;)

Ancraophobia- fear of wind - the second one is for Mandy ;)

Climacophobia- fear of stairs, climbing, or of falling downstairs:

Chronomentrophobia- fear of clocks:

One I'm really glad Floyd and I don't have: Dutchphobia- fear of the Dutch

And, finally, in case you were wondering, here are the ones that I DO have:

Nyctohylophobia- fear of dark wooded areas or of forests at night

Ophidiophobia - fear of snakes

Acrophobia- fear of heights

Arachnephobia - fear of spiders

Lilapsophobia- fear of tornadoes and hurricanes

Pediculophobia- fear of lice

Scelerophibia- for bad men, burglars

Selachophobia- fear of sharks

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Okay this is not My Phobia but here is my Photo

Okay this next one is an old one but i am adding it for fun

( okay okay this THING isn't even real but don't you find him Scary? if it were real it would be my Phobia)


First let me say, these are not my phobia's - they are just ones that I found on the Phobia List website and thought they would be fun to photograph!

Bibliophobia- Fear of books
(I wonder which of my books would frighten someone who has Bibliophobia?)

If you have Chionophobia or Domatophobia then this photo would really scare you!
(Chionophobia is fear of snow and Domatophobia is fear of houses)

If you have Amaxophobia then you probably wouldn't be getting in the front seat!
(Amaxophobia is fear of riding in a car)

There is a long story with this picture, but all I can say is.....I think this driver doesn't have
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia (the fear of the number 666!)

In closing all I can say, is if that last phobia scared you, then you probably have

(fear of long words!!!)