So, this is my first week and the topic couldn't have been more perfect. Whenever I'm home on sundays, I go and have a Starbucks coffee at Zurich Airport and simply LOVE the atmosphere. This is me today:
Have a great sunday "over there":-) Love
Climacophobia- fear of stairs, climbing, or of falling downstairs:
Chronomentrophobia- fear of clocks:
One I'm really glad Floyd and I don't have: Dutchphobia- fear of the Dutch
And, finally, in case you were wondering, here are the ones that I DO have:
Nyctohylophobia- fear of dark wooded areas or of forests at night
Ophidiophobia - fear of snakes
Acrophobia- fear of heights
Arachnephobia - fear of spiders
Lilapsophobia- fear of tornadoes and hurricanes
Pediculophobia- fear of lice
Scelerophibia- for bad men, burglars
Selachophobia- fear of sharks