Saturday, January 29, 2011

Week #5: Phobias

This week's photo challenge is the word: Phobias

Good luck and hope we see more people posting this week!!

(hint, hint, wink, wink, nudge, nudge ;-) (you know who you are!!)

Friday, January 28, 2011

My attempt at Abstract Portrait....

I have been putting it off all week, and I have been trying to decide what to do, and then this idea came to me!! Hope this qualifies as Abstract Portrait :-)

Thanks to my camera's self timer!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hee hee...I had so much fun!

Okay, so I REALLY didn't want to do this challenge but had a lot of fun with it in the end. We have never stipulated whether one can make use of special effects in programs like PhotoShop (if so, Tanya will kick my butt, for sure, as she knows it a LOT more than I) but as the theme this week was abstract, I thought I'd experiment with one photo and had a lot of fun! Jorge always tells me to just play with it but I have never done that... Today I found the word "liquefy" - yup, I enjoyed that! I have also forgotten how, in Blogger, to get my words above the photos rather than below it, so if someone could remind me, I'd be forever grateful (the perfectionist in me, sorry). Here we go:

First, my Mum and I ;) -

This one made me mad because I rotated it to be on its side, yet when I uploaded it turned it this way! Oh, well....

"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face..." - I Corinthians 13:12

And, taa only PhotoShop abstract (hee hee - can you see me?):

And, as you can see, I remembered (finally!) how to get the wording above the photo! Whew!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Abstract Portrait! Yay!

I did not realize that I took abstract photos tonight as well! Haha! (I confess, I googled it to see what it was!) Conroy was my more-than-willing model and we enjoyed spending time on this. I was just messing around with the settings on my camera and came out with these!

Geometry - One Day Late!

A wooden bowl my Grandpa made.

The side of my scrapbook paper file!

Week #4: Abstract Portrait

Hey Everyone,

Thanks for everyone that posted last week's challenge. (aka: Mum and Mandy!)

Here is this week's photo challenge.

Week #4 - Abstract Portrait

Hope to see more of you participating this week ;-)

Geometric shapes...sort of, haha.

A square, triangle and some circles (with my reflection in the clock, lol oops!)

Baby Guy's favorite toy...some more circles within circles

OOPS! How did this one get in here!! HAHA Just for fun, Levi doing his new thing..standing!! (and holding onto an oval table, lol there's some shapes in there :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

My Geometry photos....

Well I must say, I had a hard time this week, as I wanted to find the perfect picture, but here are what I ended up taking.
Make up comes in all different shapes

Circles within a square


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fun with some geometrical shapes...

Can anyone guess what this is?

Spirals of circles...

Circles around in a circle...

Some rectangles thrown in...

And, finally, more circles, within circles!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Just so you know...

I DID take my cold pics last week...I just need to load them. Coming, coming...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Week #3: Geometry

This week's photo challenge is the word: GEOMETRY

If you are like me and wasn't sure what this word means, I had to google it and this is what I found on Wikipedia and hope it helps.

Geometry (Ancient Greek: γεωμετρία; geo- "earth", -metri "measurement") "Earth-measuring" is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space. Geometry is one of the oldest mathematical sciences.

I look forward to seeing everyone's pictures this week, it's going to be a challenge I think for sure!!

Good job on the cold pictures from last week....happy photo shooting this week!

Friday, January 14, 2011

It's been too COLD this week!!!

Better late then never.....

This was on the way to church on Sunday...don't worry, Bob was driving!!

This was this morning (Friday) I am so thankful for a remote car starter!!

As COLD as I can get..

I know, this is almost cruel but I honestly didn't have anything else to take a picture of (I almost took a picture of my feet because they are always cold, haha, but that wouldn't be a very pretty picture, lol). So here it is, Josiah's COLD homemade popsicle.

Yup, it was COLD! lol

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's still COLD!

I'm still figuring things out with this camera - so I'm not impressed with my own lighting! But here are my cold pictures!

Monday, January 10, 2011

COLD !!!


Here are My Photos for the theme COLD !!!!

Snowflakes on our living room window

Our Tree out front covered in Snow

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Week #2: Cold

Well this week's challenge is the word: COLD

I know we all (except Mandy) live in Alberta and due to ALL the snow we all received last night, and are suppose to keep receiving for the rest of the week, we should all be able to do this one!!

Thanks everyone and great job on the "new" pictures...I look forward to seeing the pictures this week!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Last but not...

or at least hopefully not "least"
Sigh, I had every intention of taking my photo several times this week and I waited until the last minute - or at least until what little sun we had today was fading away. Goodness.
Shot wide open (F1.8) at ISO 800 (cringe)

Here's mine, not as "whimsy" as I had planned but "new" none the less. :)

My new coffee "cozy" (in the back), my new mug (coffee and I have a relationship, don't be jealous) and my new, much desired, Kitchen Aid timer. Time out
s shall never be the same and cookies shall (ideally) never be burnt again.

My new pictures

                                                                           My new slippers

                                                                      my new vitamins

Week 1 : My NEW Items

Here is My Christmas Gift that I got from Aunty Kristy

Thanks Aunty I LOVE it !!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Week 1 - My NEW items

Here are 2 of my NEW things:

I received this awesome purse from my nephew at Christmas and my second new thing is I got a new cellphone this week, and bought a pretty hard case for it...
I wanted to get something pretty :-)

I should also note that this picture was taken from my NEW Sony Cybershot camera that Bob bought me for Christmas!!

Week 1: Two NEW things in our home

Ok, so I was just going to post the one picture, but then my handsome hubby decided to "strike a pose" with his (new) cellphone, *sigh* Men.

And, of course, as you all know...our little Snoopy, newest member of the Santana clan. He has been a pretty big pain in the butt so far, haha but Josiah absolutely adores him and spends hours playing with him outside, so it is worth it. Hopefully him and Nike will develop a loving relationship soon!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Week One: New here's a photo of my new Christmas mug that Floyd bought me from Starbucks that I just LOVE, and a new cordless mouse that my boss bought me that I love as well (but not as much as the mug!) By the way, the light on the mouse is the fluorescent lighting because you KNOW I didn't use a flash ;)


Welcome everybody to our new blog where we will be doing a weekly photo challenge!

We are starting on the 1st of January and we have some guidelines, the photo needs to be taken within the week (from Saturday to Friday) and should ideally be posted by Saturday. The photo needs to be your interpretation of the theme.

Each week, (Saturday) we will post what the challenge is. I am excited and looking forward to seeing everyone's photos, let's try and be creative!!

Week #1 challenge - NEW