Okay, so I REALLY didn't want to do this challenge but had a lot of fun with it in the end. We have never stipulated whether one can make use of special effects in programs like PhotoShop (if so, Tanya will kick my butt, for sure, as she knows it a LOT more than I) but as the theme this week was abstract, I thought I'd experiment with one photo and had a lot of fun! Jorge always tells me to just play with it but I have never done that... Today I found the word "liquefy" - yup, I enjoyed that! I have also forgotten how, in Blogger, to get my words
above the photos rather than below it, so if someone could remind me, I'd be forever grateful (the perfectionist in me, sorry). Here we go:
First, my Mum and I ;) -

This one made me mad because I rotated it to be on its side, yet when I uploaded it turned it this way! Oh, well....

"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face..." - I Corinthians 13:12

And, taa daaa...my only PhotoShop abstract (hee hee - can you see me?):

And, as you can see, I remembered (finally!) how to get the wording above the photo! Whew!